Councilor Bova's Update for November 30th

The new City Council will be sworn in this Thursday evening at 5:30 in the CCRI auditorium. This new Council has a lot of work ahead of them. Residents are a crucial part of the governing process, and I encourage you to continue to engage with the City Council. You have seen the positive effects when residents are given a voice and made an active part of the process.

In my time on the Council, I have worked to set a standard for how an elected official does business in the public eye. Questions, discussion, and debate are positive qualities of a City Council, establishing public trust that decisions are being made honestly. Effective governance is a partnership between elected officials and residents. Our community has accomplished so much together over the past six years, from Green and Complete streets and street café policy to the two-tiered tax plan and short-term rental regulation to the North End zoning and the Transportation Master Plan. We have developed plans that capture residents' vision and community needs, doing this work through consistent resident engagement and public discussion. As the new Council sets to work on implementing these plans, it is crucial that the community continues to be involved.

This is my final newsletter as your At-Large City Councilor. It has been an absolute honor to serve you over the past six years, and I am so proud of the work we have done together. Newport is my home, and I will continue to be engaged with our community. I look forward to sharing what's next in the new year.